How to prevent Maskne from damaging your Skin

Want to know how to treat maskne? The new normal in this post pandemic world has us struggling with a lot (work from home has not been a breeze, am I right?!). Not only has the upheaval to our regular routine played havoc with our schedule, our workout routine and our regular skincare treatments, but wearing a face mask daily has brought about another particularly stubborn nuisance - maskne!

If you are seeing a lot more breakouts than usual, including irritation and pimples around your nose, cheeks, and chin, you are not alone. You’re likely suffering from Maskne - an acne-like skin condition as a result of wearing a mask. But never fear, we’re here to help you not only treat that facial acne but also help you know how to prevent maskne from occuring (or reoccurring).

Wondering what is maskne?

‘Maskne’, mask-acne or ‘acne mechanica’ (which is the actual technical term for it!) is a blanket term for several skin conditions that are caused by the trapping of warm air near your mouth and nose, often caused by wearing a face covering and the repeated contact your skin makes with the mask.

When it comes to understanding what acne mechanica looks like, it is not just acne alone - it includes pimples, whiteheads, red rash, or irritation on the skin (also called contact dermatitis) or bumps, itchiness and pain caused by the irritation around your skin’s hair follicles.

This maskne definition is not new to the pandemic. Several professions require keeping on protective masks and clothing on for long periods of time, and so maskne has been around for quite some time. The good news is that maskne – or acne mechanica – can be treated and avoided!

Tips and advice for how to prevent and treat maskne

I know you are thinking how to prevent maskne while you cannot stop wearing a face mask. The good news is, there are several measures you can take to get rid of acne mechanica while you have your mask on. There are also specialized, natural and highly effective skincare products like the Lira Clinical range that can directly yet gently target these issues and prove a godsend for maskne treatment.

Here are my tried and tested tips on how to stop maskne:

Choose the right mask and wash it often!

100% cotton masks are breathable and a better option to reduce irritation on the skin. Also, make sure the mask you are wearing is clean. Wash it regularly like you wash your delicates – you don’t want the oil and dirt in the mask to keep touching your skin day in and day out. If you’re sensitive to fragrances, certain materials or chemicals this can further exacerbate pre-existing skin conditions, as some masks are treated with these irritation-causing substances.

Remove your mask

We know it sounds scary, and we only suggest this if you can safely physically-distance yourself. The American Academy of Dermatology Association suggest taking a 15-minute break from wearing a mask every 4 hours. This might mean you have to take a walk outside on your lunch break, or even just make your bathroom breaks a little longer!

Wash your face as much as you can

Splash water – preferably cold – on your face as many times as you can. This will keep your face clean as well as fresh and hydrated.

Use facemasks and cleansing treatments

But only the ones that can hydrate and clarify your skin! Your skin naturally produces oil and bacteria, as well as sheds dead skin cells daily. When your face is covered in a mask, there’s nowhere for these to go - resulting in more clogged pores than normal. For me, the ICE Refining Mask has been really effective in reducing oil production and soothing and calming the skin. On the other hand, many of my clients have used the ICE Clarifying Treatment as it cools the skin down and reduces redness and blemishes.

Keep it moisturised

Even if you don’t have oily skin, you can still suffer from maskne. That’s why it’s important to keep your face hydrated if you have dry skin. Try out our Hydrating Mineral Mist before applying your mask or use our Hydro Infusion serum after cleansing to keep your skin feeling supple and smooth.

Break it off with makeup

…for some time at least. Let your skin breathe and only apply natural, cleansing products that soothe and revive your inner glow.

Invest in the right homecare skin products

I always recommend naturally formulated products to treat conditions like maskne as they can provide you long term relief and results. Skincare is not like medicine that you take when you are sick – it should be a part of your daily routine for the best results.

Using a gentle exfoliating cleanser in the morning and night is highly recommended. A chemical skin peel like the Lira Clinical Probiotic Power Peel is also proven to treat redness, rosacea and acne and reduce the oil production and whiteheads that eventually lead to maskne or acne mechanica.

Consult a skin aesthetician for a prescription treatment – Don’t hold off a trip to a professional. Book an appointment at a skincare clinic to get the best maskne fighting skincare products and treatment combo to keep maskne and any other skin issues at bay.

The right skincare is essential for a healthy and glowing face as well as a boost of confidence. We’ve got plenty of skin advice on the blog with extra tips, tricks and my personal learnings on how to care for your skin the right and professional way.

Book in with us for a personal skin consultation, or follow us on Instagram for daily reminders, tips and special promotions on your favourite treatments and products.


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