Laser Pigmentation Removal - What you need to know

Are you considering laser pigmentation removal? If so, you're likely wondering what the process entails and what results you can expect. This procedure uses lasers to target and remove pigment from the skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance. Benefits of laser pigmentation removal include improved texture and reduced signs of ageing. Want to know all about removing pigmentation with laser treatment? Keep reading for more information!

What causes pigmentation?

Pigmentation is caused by an excess of melanin; the pigment that gives skin its colour and helps to protect the skin from harmful UV rays. At some point in our lives, nearly everyone will experience some form of pigmentation. Whether it's age spots from too much time in the sun, acne scars from our teenage years, or even pigmentation developed due to certain medications, hormone levels, hereditary factors or injuries to the skin.

Pigmentation is a common, completely natural process that in most cases is harmless. However, for many people, unwanted skin pigmentation can be a source of insecurity, often associated with signs of ageing. Fortunately, there is a treatment available that can help to fade the appearance of these blemishes, and it's known as Laser Pigmentation Removal.

What is Laser Pigmentation Removal and how does it work?

Laser pigmentation removal, as the name suggests, uses lasers to target and break up areas of pigmentation in the skin. The laser light is absorbed by the pigment, causing the pigment particles to break up into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces make their way to the skin’s surface and naturally shed over time. A number of conditions can be treated through laser pigmentation removal, including sun spots, age spots, and melasma. Although it is safe to treat most areas of the skin, the most common places for laser pigmentation removal are the face, hands, neck and chest.

The benefits of Laser Pigmentation Removal

While there are many creams and treatments available that claim to improve the appearance of pigmentation, most of these products are only temporarily effective at best. Such creams can also take anywhere from 6-12 months to see any changes. Laser pigmentation removal however is highly effective at reducing the appearance of unwanted pigmentation, in just a few treatments. Laser treatment can also be useful in reducing signs of acne scarring, boosting collagen production and general skin rejuvenation to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and pore size for fresh, healthy glowing skin at any age.

How to prepare for your treatment

If you're considering laser pigmentation removal, there are a few things you'll need to do to prepare for the treatment. Here at The Skin Manifesto, we always begin with an advanced skin analysis, to ensure that any treatment is suitable for your skin type, or condition, and will give you the results you’re looking for. Before you embark on your laser pigmentation removal, we also ensure your skin is functioning correctly and is  well-hydrated, so that your skin can respond optimally to the treatments.

Prior to your treatment, it's important to avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks before the procedure. That includes tanning, sun-beds and using tanning products too. This makes laser pigmentation removal a great treatment to have done during the cooler winter weather, as it’s less likely you’ll be spending your weekends sunbaking at Cronulla.

You'll also need to shave the area that will be treated. This will help the laser to target the pigmentation more effectively. Finally, you should avoid using any products on the skin that could increase sensitivity, such as exfoliants or retinol creams 7 days prior to treatment. Be sure to remove any makeup, lotions, or oils from the treatment area. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your laser pigmentation removal treatment is safe and effective.

What to expect during and after your laser treatment

If you're considering using laser therapy for pigment removal, you may be wondering what the treatment process is like, whether laser pigmentation removal treatment hurts and are there any side effects? Don’t worry - we’ve got all your questions covered and answered!

During the treatment, you will likely feel a brief sensation of heat or tingling as the laser pulse touches your skin, which can feel similar to a hairband being lightly snapped on your skin. If you’re particularly sensitive to pain, just let us know beforehand and a topical anaesthetic can be administered to help with any pain. Our professional laser devices include a cooling mechanism, designed to reduce any discomfort throughout the treatment.

The treatment is safe and effective, and there is no downtime required after the treatment. Some temporary redness and swelling may occur in the treated area, but this usually subsides within a few hours. It’s important to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen for a few weeks following the procedure to help reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation. It’s also important to not use any skincare products containing retinol for 7 days after your treatment, as this can increase your skin’s sensitivity to UV rays.

How many laser pigmentation removal treatments will you need?

Laser treatment is usually performed as a series of sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart. The number of treatments you’ll require will depend on the size and depth of the pigmentation. Your dermal clinician can help determine a specific treatment plan for you, however most people will need to complete 2-4 treatment sessions, with most patients seeing a significant improvement in the appearance of their skin after just a few treatments.

You might be wondering whether laser treatment is permanent. Whilst you can enjoy long-lasting results and a more youthful complexion from laser pigmentation removal, you still need to take care of your skin as new pigmentation may occur as a natural process of ageing, or being exposed to the sun. Remember to keep up your application of sunscreen, and follow your prescribed skincare routine, to have your skin continue looking its best.

Before and after laser pigmentation removal

Want to see some laser pigmentation removal results, from our clinic here in Miranda, Sydney?

Before and after image of laser pigmentation removal

Pigmentation is a common skin concern that can be caused by a variety of factors, including sun exposure and hormonal changes. If you’re looking to restore your complexion and achieve an even skin tone, laser pigmentation removal may be the treatment for you. Book in for an advanced skin analysis today, where we can assess your skin type and condition, and advise you on how to prepare for your treatment and look after your skin post-treatment. 


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