Pre-Party and Event Season Skin Prepping Guide

When it comes to special events and parties, there's no denying that we all want to put our best face forward. Whether it's a wedding, a milestone birthday, or a glamorous soirée, these occasions call for flawless skin that radiates confidence.

However, achieving that radiant and rejuvenated look doesn't happen overnight. It requires the right skincare regimen. But what facial should you get before a wedding? And is it OK to get a facial before an event?

Terrific questions! In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the art of pre-party and event season skin prepping and introduce you to three remarkable treatments – Bio-Sonic Microdermabrasion, Nano Fusion, and Oxygenating Enzyme Therapy – all of which are classed as “day before facials” and promise stunning results without downtime.

The Event Season Skin Prep Essentials

Imagine you're about to attend a grand graduation celebration, an important party, or even your own wedding. These special events often mean countless photos and social interactions where you need your skin to look its absolute best. This is where pre-party and event season skin-prepping treatments come into play. These treatments are your skin revival specialists, beauty boosters and event-ready allies for achieving that radiant, flawless skin which is luminous in photos and makes others envious to know your skin secrets.

One of the remarkable features of these treatments is that they involve no downtime. There's no need to schedule your treatment weeks in advance or worry about redness and recovery periods. You can undergo these procedures in the days leading up to your event or the day before without missing a beat.

Let's delve deeper into each of these treatments and discover how they can help you shine during the social season and especially for your next special occasion.

Bio-Sonic Microdermabrasion: Unveil a Luminous Canvas

Bio-Sonic Microdermabrasion takes the traditional microdermabrasion treatment to a whole new level. While the conventional method employs a diamond-tipped tool to physically exfoliate the skin and suction impurities, Bio-Sonic Microdermabrasion uses ultrasonic waves to achieve the same results without abrasives or suction.

The result? A fresher, more radiant complexion with enhanced skin texture.

This treatment offers several benefits for pre-event skin preparation:

Immediate Radiance - Say goodbye to dull skin. Bio-Sonic Microdermabrasion provides an instant glow that's perfect for event photos.

Smooth Canvas for Makeup -Your makeup will adhere better and look more natural, thanks to the silky-smooth skin surface created by this treatment.

No Downtime - Busy schedule? No worries. Bio-Sonic Microdermabrasion involves no downtime, allowing you to continue with your day immediately after.

While Bio-Sonic Microdermabrasion is gentle, it’s advisable to avoid harsh exfoliants and sun exposure before and after the treatment as your freshly revealed skin still needs your tender loving care.

Nano Fusion: The Ultimate Skin Tune-Up

Nano Fusion is a scientific marvel that rejuvenates your skin with precision and efficiency. It uses a wand with tiny nanoparticles to create channels in your skin, allowing for the delivery of nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and vitamins. This treatment not only hydrates and revitalises but also exfoliates and stimulates collagen production.

Here's why Nano Fusion is perfect for event season skin prep:

Quick and Effective - Nano Fusion provides noticeable results quickly, making it ideal for last-minute preparations.

No Downtime - Like its counterparts, Nano Fusion involves no downtime, meaning you can schedule it without disrupting your busy life.

Versatility - Nano Fusion can address various skin concerns such as acne, acne scarring, oily skin and congestion, sun damage and pigmentation, making it suitable for various individuals and skin types.

Immediate Hydration - Infused with nourishing ingredients, Nano Fusion leaves your skin plump and refreshed.

Sensitive skin, impaired barrier function, excessive dryness, and even acne-related concerns can benefit from Nano Fusion. Before your appointment, remember to avoid excessive sun exposure and discontinue the use of harsh exfoliants or retinoids.

Oxygenating Enzyme Therapy: Rev Up Your Skin's Vitality

Oxygenating Enzyme Therapy is like a team of dedicated gardeners nurturing your skin’s bloom, boosting oxygen levels and stimulating cellular renewal. Enzymes act as cultivators, breaking down old skin cells and enhancing circulation. Oxygen then rushes in, delivering nutrients and hydration deep into your skin cells.

Here's how Oxygenating Enzyme Therapy can prepare your skin for the big day:

No Downtime - Just like its counterparts, Oxygenating Enzyme Therapy offers the advantage of no downtime, ensuring you can seamlessly incorporate it into your pre-event preparations.

Glowing Complexion - Experience a radiant complexion with reduced redness and inflammation within 24-48 hours of a single treatment.

Customised Solutions - This therapy is suitable for highly sensitive skin, impaired barrier function, and excessive dryness, making it versatile for various skin concerns.

Preventative Action - Oxygenating Enzyme Therapy can also reduce the risk of future skin issues, making it a valuable investment in long-term skin health.

Individuals with sensitive skin, impaired barrier function, excessive dryness, or those seeking a customised boost before an event can benefit immensely from Oxygenating Enzyme Therapy. To prepare, avoid sun exposure and exfoliating products in the days leading up to your treatment.

Choosing the Right Treatment: Personalisation is Key.

Selecting the right treatment for your skin type and concerns is essential for achieving optimal results. While all three treatments offer impressive benefits, here are some guidelines to help you choose:

Consult with a Skincare Professional - Start by consulting a skin therapist and having a thorough skin analysis consultation where your skin's condition will be effectively assessed, including photos that look at what’s happening benethe the skin to identify specific concerns and recommend the most suitable treatment.

Skin Type and Issues - Your skin type, the severity of your concerns, and your skincare goals should influence your decision. Different treatments may be better suited to certain skin types and issues.

Budget and Timing - Consider your budget and the time you can allocate to treatment to ensure the treatment schedule aligns with your event preparation timeline.

Preparing for the Treatment - Set the Stage for Success

To maximise the benefits of these treatments and ensure a smooth experience, consider these preparation tips:

Avoid Sun Exposure: Minimise sun exposure for a few days before your treatment to prevent skin sensitivity.

Discontinue Exfoliants: Stop using products with exfoliating ingredients like retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) a few days prior to your appointment to avoid irritation.

Stay Hydrated: Maintain proper hydration by drinking enough water before and after treatment. Well-hydrated skin responds better to skincare procedures and recovers more effectively.

Aftercare and Maintenance: Preserve Your Radiance

The journey doesn't end with your pre-event treatment. Proper aftercare is crucial to maintain and enhance your results.

Follow Post-Treatment Instructions - Adhere to any specific aftercare instructions provided. Sun Protection is Non-Negotiable. Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by wearing sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection. This is essential to prevent sun damage and maintain the benefits of your treatments.

Choose the Right Skincare Products: Use gentle cleansers and skincare products such as hydrating serums, moisturisers, and SPF for daily protection.

In conclusion, how to treat your skin before an event is an art, and these advanced skincare treatments are your brushes and canvases. With Bio-Sonic Microdermabrasion, Nano Fusion, and Oxygenating Enzyme Therapy, you can step into the spotlight with confidence, knowing that your skin looks and feels superb.

So, the question is no longer, “Should you get a facial before an event?”, it is “Which one is best for me?”

Book your skin analysis consultation today for personalised and professional recommendations. Your radiant, flawless skin awaits, and the spotlight is ready to embrace you.


Acne and Andrea - My acne story led me to start The Skin Manifesto.