How to treat sunburned damaged skin

It goes without saying but it still has to be said, prevention is always better than cure. However, when you find yourself with an unsightly sunburn or are in need of treatments for sun damaged skin, there are several remedies you can turn to. In this blog, we want to outline how each can help ease sunburn in the short term and help with sun-damaged skin repair in the future.  

Treating sunburn at home

You’ve been living it up and loving life outdoors with the sun sharing all its warm love and letting your skin soak it up. Arriving home you begin to feel its effects differently now. What once felt like a warm hug has transformed into angry, stiff and sore, pinching sunburn.

First steps, like any burn, is to cool the affected area by taking a cool shower or bath or using a damp cloth applied over the burn. Once cooled, applying aloe vera may help soothe and heal the sunburn. However, be sure not to use any product with alcohol as this can dry out the skin further. Ibuprofen or other pain relievers may help alleviate any discomfort due to the burn. One should also avoid any transfer of heat to the affected area. This means covering it up when you need to go outside again and having lukewarm showers for a while. Hyaluronic acid has also been found to be effective in soothing the skin and adding moisture back in.

Seeking out online information about how to treat sunburn, you may read about natural remedies like various kinds of vinegar, yoghurt, or baking soda that provide relief from symptoms such as itching and burning. These are not necessary and nonscience really. Who wants to smell like apple cider vinegar, and who has the time, or means, to sit around with yoghurt and baking soda on their body? That sounds like hard work and a mess in the making. 

Most importantly, what’s needed is to keep the area cool, stay hydrated and replenish the water lost to the skin. You can do this by taking EFAs as this type of skin hydration is absorbed by the skin first. Moisturiser is best applied after the heat has had time to escape from the burn. Drink lots of water to keep your organs hydrated and decrease your chances of having sunstroke. Keep any sunburn covered and be conscious of how long you spend in direct sunlight in the days following the burn. With proper methods of treatment, one can mitigate the pain and side effects of sunburn within a short period of time. 

How long will sunburn take to heal?

Sunburns are painful and can take days or even weeks to heal. The amount of time necessary for healing depends on the severity of the sunburn, though generally, most mild cases will take 24-48 hours to start feeling better. More severe cases will require more extended periods of healing, with redness and swelling lasting for up to a week. It is important to remember that skin damaged by sunburn is still vulnerable and you should use extra caution in future months when spending prolonged time in the sun. Sunscreen, hats, and other protective garments can all help lessen the risk of further sun damage and ensure a speedy recovery.

Should you exfoliate sunburned skin?

Exfoliating sunburned skin can be tricky and even painful, so caution is advised. It is generally best to wait until your burn has cooled before attempting to exfoliate, as this will be more comfortable for you and less likely to damage the skin further. When you are ready to begin, use an extremely gentle product with small granules or beads - avoid anything too abrasive, as this could irritate the skin further. Be very gentle when applying pressure, even lighter than for regular cleansing. Follow with a rich moisturiser or serum to give your skin an extra layer of hydration. With proper self-care, your sunburn should be gone in no time!

Skin treatments for Sun Damaged Skin

The long-term effects of a sunburn can be a major skin concern for many. Thankfully, there are treatments out there to help reduce the signs of sun damage and improve the appearance of your skin. Treatments like skin peels, light therapy, and laser resurfacing can aid in minimising wrinkles, age spots, and sagging areas on the face caused by sun exposure. Sunscreens with higher SPF ratings can also provide additional protection against further UV damage and should be incorporated into any sun damaged skin treatment routine. Along with regular sunscreen application, using vitamin C serums on the face has been shown to stimulate collagen production and lessen the appearance of dark spots on the skin. With a combination of these treatments, anyone dealing with sun damaged skin can work towards achieving smooth, glowing skin.

Removing pigmentation with laser

Laser treatments are becoming increasingly popular for skin revitalisation, especially with respect to pigmentation removal. Whether it be age spots, sun damage, or other areas of discolouration on your skin, laser treatment can often be the fastest and most effective way to reduce unwanted pigment. A qualified dermal therapist will determine if you are a candidate for this procedure based on the size and depth of the pigment, as well as your overall health. During the appointment, a laser beam is precisely aimed at the desired area to target the pigment cells without harming the surrounding healthy tissue. Afterwards, three to seven days of recovery are typically needed after a single treatment. Though everyone's experience is different, many report an immediate improvement in their skin's appearance after just one session.

Green LED light therapy benefits for pigmentation

Green LED light therapy is a clinically proven, non-invasive treatment that offers many benefits for people suffering from skin pigmentation issues, which can arise as a result of sun damage. It works by targeting the melanocytes, which are responsible for producing the pigment in your skin. This therapy can help to reduce and control the production of pigment so you can enjoy a bright complexion and even skin tone. Additionally, this type of light energy also helps to stimulate your body's natural collagen production so that you can enjoy smoother and firmer skin. If you want to reverse pigmentation issues naturally and non-invasively, green LED light therapy is a beautiful solution.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can be an effective way to reduce or eliminate sun-damaged skin for facial rejuvenation and enhanced illumination. However, what many people don't know is that for optimal results, chemical peels should ideally only be carried out in the winter months. During the colder seasons, lower temperatures and fewer UV rays make it easier to recover from the process without worrying about your skin being exposed to further environmental damage. Furthermore, the healing time when done in winter is much quicker, leaving you with improved skin tone, texture, and clarity in the shortest possible time! Who says winter has nothing good on offer!! Our favourite peel for this type of treatment is the Green Power Peel. We love this peel for so many reasons, the top because it can be totally customised to any skin type, tone or condition – making it one of our most versatile peels! 

Prevention is always better than cure but sun-damaged skin revitalisation can be achieved. Book a skin analysis today and find out the best course of treatment for your sun-loved skin concerns.  


Best Year-Round Peel Revealed – The Probiotic Power Peel


What happens to your skin when it gets sunburned?